~ About Notaries ~

About notaries

Notaries are qualified lawyers and in England are appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. They belong to the oldest branch of the legal profession tracing its origins to Roman times. They are mainly concerned with the preparation and authentication of documents for use abroad and their signatures and seals are accepted and recognized as valid throughout the world.

Anyone involved in transactions involving international business, such as the formation of companies commercial transactions overseas dealing with foreign property is likely to require the services of a notary who will upon proof of identity and having satisfied himself of their capacity and understanding verify or authenticate their signatures to documents and to certify their validity.

Many countries also require what is called an apostille to be fixed to a document. This is a certificate issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and attached to the document to confirm that the notary is in good standing.

Whenever you are faced with a foreign document, please remember that you will probably need the services of a notary and that the signature of a solicitor alone will not suffice.

Notaries work internationally. I am an English speaker and fluent in all aspects of the Romanian language.

The best way to contact me is to email me.
Prior to our meeting you will need to clarify the following:
a) Your requirement(s)
b) The country to which the job relates
c) Your name and address
d) The timeline you are working towards. (Urgent enquiries can be prioritised).
I will usually respond by email within 24 hours. 
Mobile: 07922022722 / 07902212929 / 07758496991 
Office Address: 52 Abington Grove, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 4QU
I am easy to find using Google Maps 
Fees and General Information
My fees depend upon the time and urgency of the matter
My standard charging rate is £245 per hour plus VAT, but this can be discounted to £150 plus VAT for the most straightforward matters.
Some documents need to be Legalised or “Apostilled” by the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCDO) which currently charge £40 for each document. Different jurisdictions may require an additional seal from the embassy of that country. On request, I can advise how much this will all cost.
If postage and / or  agent’s and / or translators’ fees are incurred this will be added as an additional cost.
Please note that all prices quoted are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
Prior to commencing any work, I will always, consult with you with a view to concluding, timescales and what needs to be done. 
Indemnity Insurance.
I am covered by professional indemnity insurance for over a million pounds.
I am Regulated through the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Data Protection.
I always treat client information as strictly confidential and only disclose it when in the client’s interest and in compliance with the General Data Protection Directive GDPR.  
“ My mission is to help people ”
G. Andrei
Notary Public